Welcome Back to Season Three!

Welcome Back to Season Three!

S3E1: Welcome Back to Season Three

Jane DOE (00:00): The opinions and views expressed in the following podcast do not represent the views of NIU or any other U.S. Government entity. They are solely the opinions and views of the speakers. Any mention of organizations, publications, or products not owned or operated by the U.S. Government is not a statement of support and does not constitute U.S. Government endorsement.

(Intelligence Jumpstart intro music)

Jane DOE (00:30): Welcome back to the Intelligence Jumpstart podcast. I am your host Jane DOE. I’m excited to be back for a third season where we continue to explore intelligence issues with thought leaders from across the IC, academia, and beyond. From navigating your crazy drunk friend and truth decay to addressing workplace trauma, season three won’t disappoint. We’ve also added a regular rotation of IC leaders who lead the conversation, from real experience, on a variety of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility topics. And we’d still love to hear from you. Send us your topic ideas, what you like about the podcast, and what you’d like to hear more of at Research@niu.odni.gov.

(Intelligence Jumpstart intro music continued)

(Manolis Minutes Intro Music)

Manolis Priniotakis (01:30): I’m Manolis Priniotakis, NIU’s Vice President for Research & Engagement and this is this episode’s Manolis Minute.

In the next episode, we’ll hear from Dr. Mark Bailey from NIU, where he heads up NIU’s Department of Cyber Intelligence and Data Analytics in the Oettinger School of Science and Technology Intelligence.
He also co-directs our Data Science Center within NIU’s Caracristi Institute for Intelligence Research.
Mark will be speaking about the intersection of artificial intelligence and national security.

Dr. Bailey was recently the recipient of two of NIU’s most prestigious faculty awardsL: the John Gannon Faculty Research Award and the Maureen Baginski Faculty Outreach and Engagement Award.
These awards are named for two of NIU’s recent chairs of its Board of Visitors. BOV, as it is referred to, is an important part of NIU’s system of governance and is made up of experts from the worlds of intelligence, military, academia, and industry. It provides invaluable oversight of NIU in the manner of higher education boards and advises the Director of National Intelligence on NIU.

John Gannon and Maureen Baginski were fitting BoV members to be honored with these awards being named for them upon their departures from their roles at NIU.

Dr. Gannon served in multiple intelligence roles at CIA and other agencies over a decades long career in intelligence. He is a legend in analytic circles, and we were lucky to gain from his wisdom during NIU’s transition from DIA to ODNI first as a board member and as its chair.

Prior to his service, Maureen Baginski, or Mo Baginski, was the chair of the Board of Visitors for close to a decade. Her distinguished career in intelligence included many years at the National Security Agency, during which she rose to the position of director of SIGINT, the agency’s number three position. In 2003, she became the first executive assistant director of Intelligence at the FBI, serving as the lead for its renewed intelligence effort following 9/11.

NIU is proud to have a continued relationship with both and was pleased that Dr. Bailey capped off a remarkable year of scholarship and outreach by being honored with both the Gannon and Baginski awards through blind processes in the same year.

Thanks again for listening to Intelligence Jumpstart. For more information on NIU, please visit our website, www.NI-U.edu.
(Exit Manolis Minutes music)

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