The Privatization of Space

The Privatization of Space

Jane DOE speaks with Dr. Deborah Pfaff, Associate Professor of Research in NIU’s Office of Research, about the privatization of space. Noting that space-related activities make up 25 percent of the U.S. economy, Dr. Pfaff highlights existing space policy and the current practice of commercializing space exploration—providing the private industry with government contracts but no oversight.

The article mentioned in this episode: Spacing Out: Will we allow the privatization of space to eclipse NASA and NRO?
(originally published in The Hill)

Creators and Guests

Dr. Deborah Pfaff
Dr. Deborah Pfaff
Dr. Debora Pfaff is the Co-Director of the Center for Trust, Truth, and Transparency (Tr3), and an Associate Professor of Research with the Ann Caracristi Institute.