No, You Don't Have to Worry About the Terminator, Just Maybe a Crazy Drunk Friend

No, You Don't Have to Worry About the Terminator, Just Maybe a Crazy Drunk Friend

Jane DOE speaks to NIU’s Dr. Mark Bailey about the ethical challenges of integrating AI into the Intelligence Community, emphasizing the critical need to fully examine AI’s explainability and alignment problems within the decision-making processes. They explore current events, the potential benefits and risks of using AI on human connection, the challenges of regulating AI, and the importance of developing critical thinking skills in the face of technological advancements.

Creators and Guests

Dr. Mark Bailey
Dr. Mark Bailey
Dr. Mark Bailey writes about the intersection between artificial intelligence, complexity, and national security. He is a faculty member at the National Intelligence University, where he is the Department Chair for Cyber Intelligence and Data Science, as well as the Co-Director of the Data Science Intelligence Center. His work has appeared in publications such as the journal Futures, Nautilus, and Homeland Security Today. Previously, he worked as a data scientist on several AI programs in the U.S. Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community. He is also an Officer in the U.S. Army Reserve. In his spare time, he does ceramics, is a beekeeper, and endeavors to turn his yard into a vegetable garden.